Purify & Renew: A Beginner’s Guide to Cleansing & Blessing Your Home

As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new, the transition into a new year presents an opportune time for reflection, renewal, and positive change. While many people celebrate with parties and festivities, some choose to mark the occasion with a different kind of ritual – a New Year's Eve house cleansing/blessing. 

Recently, I was approached and asked for guidance on performing a basic house cleansing. While I personally rely on instinct and adapt my rituals to suit the specific needs of my own spaces, this request prompted me to reflect on the reasons behind my choices. I realized the importance of breaking down these steps into manageable chunks, particularly for beginners, so that they can embark on their own authentic journey of home cleansing. It is crucial to honor their unique instincts and guide them towards completing the process in a way that resonates with their own intuition, rather than relying solely on my own practices.

But where did this idea of cleansing one’s, own space come from? There is a long and diverse set of practices throughout history. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of New Year's Eve house cleansing and provide you with a step-by-step guide to embark on this transformative journey.

Understanding the History and Symbolism:

House cleansing has a rich history intertwined with diverse cultural and spiritual traditions. It reflects humanity's innate desire to purify living spaces for both physical and metaphysical reasons. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans performed rituals involving herbs, incense, and symbolic acts to ward off negative energies and invoke protection. Eastern traditions like Feng Shui emphasize harmonizing energy flow within the home, while Native American cultures introduced smudging with sacred herbs such as sage for cleansing and purification.

Religious practices in Hinduism and Buddhism also incorporate rituals to spiritually cleanse homes. These customs have evolved over time and transcended cultural boundaries, finding a place in modern spiritual practices and holistic living. People seek to align their surroundings with positive energies and intentions, believing that a purified space contributes to overall well-being and personal transformation.

In simple terms, house cleansing involves purifying your living space both physically and energetically to create a harmonious environment. It is a symbolic practice that aims to release lingering negative energy from the past, making room for positive vibes, fresh beginnings, and new opportunities. Just as we declutter our physical space, a house cleansing helps declutter the accumulated energy, rejuvenating the atmosphere.

Preparing to cleanse:

Gather Supplies:

There is a common misconception that an effective house cleansing requires pricey tools or luxurious herbs and crystals. However, this is not true! You can use any “tools” you feel drawn to during your cleansing ritual. This may include simple supplies like candles, sage bundles, palo santo sticks, essential oils, herbs and crystals. Personally, I rely on whatever is available at the moment for my own cleansing practice, including during a New Year's ritual. 

Set Intentions:

The key to a successful home cleansing lies in your mindset and intention. Your will and focus are what truly matter throughout the process. Don't stress over acquiring fancy tools or expensive materials. The power to cleanse your space comes solely from your intention and the energy you put into the ritual. Remember, it's not about the tools, but about the genuine intention and focus you bring to the cleansing.

Before you begin, take a moment to reflect on your intentions for the upcoming year. What do you want to invite into your life? What energy do you wish to cultivate in your home? Setting clear intentions will guide the cleansing process. 

If you are unsure of what to say as you begin your cleansing process try the following and adapt to make your own when you feel more comfortable: 

“As I embark on this house cleansing ritual, my intention is to release any lingering negativity from the past year, creating a sanctuary of positive energy within these walls. I invite love, abundance, and harmony to fill every corner, fostering an environment that supports growth, joy, and well-being for myself and all who reside here. May this cleansing pave the way for new beginnings, fresh opportunities, and a year filled with positivity and transformative experiences.”

Or, check out these awesome examples from Jo Little and Hippie Mystique on Instagram!

Physical Cleaning:


Start by decluttering your space. Dispose of items you no longer need and organize your belongings. This physical cleaning is symbolic of letting go of the old and making way for the new.

Cleanse with Natural Elements:

Use natural cleaning products as much as possible to physically clean your home. Consider incorporating elements like lemon or eucalyptus, known for their purifying properties. Items I love to use personally are vinegar (if you can stand the smell, LOL) salt or salt water. 

Pet Disclaimer: When using herbs around pets, it is important to prioritize the safety and well-being of your furry companions. While certain herbs can offer potential benefits, it is crucial to exercise caution and take necessary precautions. Do your research, please.

Energetic Cleansing:

Sage/Palo Santo Cleansing

Sage burning, also known as smudging, is a popular method for clearing negative energy. Begin by opening a few windows or your back door if you have one. Make sure you have a fire-safe container to catch the ashes as they fall away. Light your (hopefully ethically resourced) sage bundle and walk through each room, allowing the smoke to reach corners and crevices. Do not linger too long as this can set off some smoke alarms, a couple of seconds is all you need. Some seasoned smudgers have their own methods and preferences (we can discuss in a future blog), but as a beginner, you can start where you feel comfortable. I’m big on intuition. 

Alternatively, you can use palo santo sticks. Light the stick and let the sweet-smelling smoke fill your home, paying special attention to areas where energy may feel stagnant.

Disclaimer: Please note that the traditional practices surrounding the use of sage and palo santo are considered closed practices. It is important to respect and honor the cultural significance and sacredness of these materials. Before purchasing or using sage and palo santo, we strongly recommend conducting thorough research and understanding the appropriate rituals and customs associated with their use. This ensures that you approach these practices with the utmost respect and sensitivity. It is our responsibility as consumers to educate ourselves and make informed decisions to honor the cultures from which these practices originate.

Incense Cleansing: 

Using incense is a popular method to cleanse and purify your space, as the fragrant smoke can help remove negative energy and create a peaceful atmosphere. Dragons Blood, Sandalwood and Frankincense and Myrrh all have cleansing/protective properties and are relatively easy to obtain in bulk at an affordable price.

Smudging Tip: Do not use your hand to move the smoke, lightly moving your chosen smoking wand over the area you are cleansing will suffice.

Salt Cleansing:

Sprinkle salt in the corners of rooms and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up. Salt is believed to absorb negative energy.

Physical Body Cleansing:

It is important to cleanse yourself after all that hard work you just put in. Make yourself a cup of tea, light some candles or incense, and sit back in a nice bath and reflect on your efforts. Visualize all that you seek to bring in and enjoy your newly cleansed space.

Blessing the Space (optional):

Candle Ritual:

Light candles in each room as a symbol of bringing light and positive energy into your home.

Crystal Placement:

Place crystals known for their protective and positive energy, such as amethyst or clear quartz, strategically around your home.


Use your favorite scents that make you feel uplifted and happy. It is how YOU feel overall at the end of the cleansing that is most important.

As you complete your New Year's Eve house cleansing ritual, take a moment to appreciate the effort you've invested in creating a fresh start. Whether you approach it from a spiritual perspective or simply as a symbolic act, this ritual can help you step into the new year with a cleansed and rejuvenated home, ready to embrace all the possibilities that lie ahead. May your space be filled with positive energy, and may the coming year bring you joy, prosperity, and personal growth.

Happy New Year!


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