Our Story


Welcome to ElderTree Blends, a heartfelt venture born from the loving collaboration between mother and son. Our story is woven with threads of creativity, love, and shared experiences, resulting in beautifully crafted products that echo the depth of that connection.

Our hands-on approach to crafting allows us to infuse every piece with the warmth of our relationship, making them not just products but cherished mementos. When you choose our handcrafted items, you're not just acquiring a product; you're welcoming a piece of our special connection into your home.


More about

ElderTree Blends…

  • Our journey into the world of handcrafted goods was a genuine exploration, driven by curiosity and a desire for connection. It started with a humble goal: to bring a sense of calm to my son's bedtime routine. One day, I stumbled upon a lavender bath bomb recipe online, and unbeknownst to me, it would become a game-changer. Intrigued, we made our first bath bombs together, and much to my delight, my son was immediately hooked.

    The soothing scent of lavender not only transformed our nightly bath routine but also helped him relax, paving the way for peaceful nights without the standard issue bedtime protests. As this became routine, my son naturally became more and more involved. His honest feedback and keen sense of smell guided us as we experimented with various recipes in a deep dive to find what worked best for him. He eagerly joined me in choosing scents, herbs and florals and lead the way in our next projects together. At his own pace he began taking on some of the more detailed tasks, displaying his genuine enthusiasm for the process.

    During this simple yet meaningful journey, we discovered the profound impact scents and botanical blends could have on focus, anxiety, and energy levels, particularly within the neurodivergent community. Our endeavors were driven by genuine passion, leading us to uncover the therapeutic power of aromas. Through our collaboration, surrounded by endless tester candles, botanical blends and the lingering fragrance of lavender, we shared moments of deepening connection, forging a bond that was as authentic as the scents and blends we cherished.

    Join us as we embark on this journey as we continually evolve, one handmade creation at a time.

  • We chose the Elder Tree as our company's symbol because it aligns with my son's birth sign. Given that he is the driving force behind our entrepreneurial venture and embodies the qualities associated with the Elder Tree, it felt like a perfect representation of our collaboration.

    About the Elder Tree Birth Sign:

    The Elder Tree, a revered symbol of wisdom and endurance, holds a unique significance as a birth sign. Those born under the Elder Tree sign, known as Elder individuals, are believed to possess a deep well of knowledge and insight. Much like the tree itself, they are resilient and adaptable, thriving amidst life's ever-changing circumstances.

    Elder individuals are often seen as wise counselors and problem solvers within their social circles. They carry a natural sense of authority and command respect, not through force, but through their wisdom and understanding of the world. Much like the elder tree, they have strong roots that provide stability and a sense of belonging.

    Furthermore, Elder individuals are known for their compassion and empathy. They possess a natural inclination to nurture and care for others, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere around them. Just as the elder tree is associated with healing properties, those born under this sign often have a natural talent for soothing others' emotional wounds.

    In essence, the Elder Tree as a birth sign symbolizes strength, wisdom, and nurturing qualities. People born under this sign are grounded, resilient, and possess a wealth of knowledge, making them invaluable assets to their communities and loved ones.

  • Our logo intricately weaves together the Elder Tree with the distinctive side profiles of my son and me.

    You might be curious why I decided to feature both myself and my son in the Elder Tree symbol on our website, with roots extending from our heads. It's a simple explanation: those roots represent our deep connection to our origins, our ancestors who paved the way for us. We come from a lineage infused with profound wisdom, and even as we grow side by side, we each have our own unique paths to carve. We have our own experiences to embrace and our own understanding of the world, our place in it, and the ties that bind us to the past. This symbol is a genuine homage to our roots and a reminder of the evolving journey ahead.

Our Promises

  • At our core, we have a deep commitment to creating products that are crafted with thoughtfulness and precision.

    We pour our hearts into every aspect of our product creation process. From the careful selection of ingredients to the meticulous crafting of each blend, every detail is infused with our passion and dedication. Our purpose is clear: to create products that resonate with you on a deeper level, products that are not only effective but also have a positive impact on your well-being. You deserve nothing less than the utmost care and intention that we put into every step of our journey.

    Your well-being and satisfaction are at the heart of everything we do.

  • We are constantly striving to improve our products and services so that we can provide the best possible experience for our customers. We want you to be able to use our products with confidence that they will leave you feeling great and smelling even better.

  • In our approach, we recognize the power of community and shared knowledge. We understand that aromatherapy has been proven to enhance mood and provide a general sense of wellbeing. Especially for neurodivergent individuals, it can be a particularly beneficial addition to their daily routines.

    We firmly believe in the uniqueness of everyone's wellness journey, rejecting the idea of a one-size-fits-all approach to self-care. That's why we're committed to making our products accessible to a wide range of people. We won't make grand promises. Instead, we pledge to do our best with genuine intentions, and we hope you'll be able to sense the authenticity and care we put into every product we create.

  • Transparency is at the heart of our product philosophy. If our blends include fragrance, we'll openly disclose it; if they consist of clean, pure ingredients without any fillers, we'll be upfront about it too. We are committed to avoiding greenwashing and ensuring that everyone knows precisely what goes into our products. We believe in empowering our customers with accurate information, enabling them to make informed choices that align with their individual needs and preferences.

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